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The importance of capacity planning and team structure

Are you or your team constantly working long hours to keep up with work? Do you understand your capacity and how many new clients you can take on before you need to increase your team?

If you are not in this state (and 99% of firms aren’t), then this webinar is for you.

Here’s what you can expect to learn:

Staff Accountant Deep Purple 1

Why capacity planning is so important

Retirement Funds Accountants and Auditors Deep Purple 2

Different ways to do your capacity planning

Data Analysts Deep Purple

How your team structure controls your capacity planning

Staff Accountant Deep Purple 1

Why capacity planning is so important

Retirement Funds Accountants and Auditors Deep Purple 2

Different ways to do your capacity planning

Mortgage Broking Assistants Deep Purple 1

How your team structure controls your capacity planning


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Nick Sinclair

TOA Global, Founder
In 2023, TOA Global will celebrate the 10th year since Nick Sinclair founded what’s now the leading talent solutions provider to the accounting industry. Nick began outsourcing (hiring an executive assistant first) to expand his accounting and financial planning business. Almost immediately, he saw the benefits. If you’re curious about how a global team can scale your business, you’ll find some proven, practical advice in this on-demand webinar.
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