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Safeguarding accounting firms: Cyber security essentials for SMEs

TOA Global Logo RGB                       Accountancy Insurance Master                      Mills Oakley CMYK 2016


Join us for an insightful webinar on cyber security specifically designed for accounting professionals. Hosted by Mareta Akari from TOA Global, this session features expert speakers Karen McDonald from Accountancy Insurance and Jason Symons from Mills Oakley. They will discuss the latest cyber threats impacting SME accounting firms and the unique risks that accountants need to be aware of.

Additionally, the webinar will explore the implications of potential changes to the Privacy Act and offer practical, cost-effective measures to enhance your cyber security posture. This is a valuable opportunity to gain actionable insights and protect your business from cyber threats.

Key Takeaways

Marketing Coordinators Deep Purple 1

Current cyber incidents impacting SME accounting firms

Staff Accountant Deep Purple 1

Unique cyber risks specific to accountants

Auditor Deep Purple 1

Significance of potential changes to the Privacy Act for SMEs

Retirement Funds Accountants and Auditors Deep Purple 1

Affordable strategies for enhancing cyber security in small accounting businesses

Mortgage Broking Assistants Deep Purple 1

Coverage details and common claims under Cyber insurance policies, including for remote workers

Mareta Akari

Mareta Akari

Country Manager for ANZ, TOA Global

Mareta Akari champions client-centricity as TOA Global’s Country Manager for Australia and New Zealand. With a proven track record as Vice President of Customer, Mareta leverages her impeccable people skills and inspiring leadership to build lasting partnerships and foster thriving cultures. Prior to joining TOA Global in 2022, her global experience included leading large-scale transformation programs across diverse industries. 

Karen McDonald

Karen McDonald

Associate Director – Professional Risks at Accountancy Insurance

Karen commenced her insurance career in 1985. Since this time, she has worked in both underwriting and insurance broking for local and international companies in Australia and New Zealand.  Karen has been specialising in professional indemnity insurance for over 22 years, and in more recent years focusing on cyber insurance and how the cover benefits accounting professionals.

As the Associate Director of Professional Risks, Karen achieves favourable outcomes for her clients by thoroughly understanding the profession and seeking cover beyond client expectations.

Jason Symons

Jason Symons

Partner at Mills Oakley

Jason leads the firm’s cyber risk and insurance practice and has been a specialist cyber and financial lines insurance lawyer for over 15 years.

Jason has extensive experience working with organisations, brokers and insurers, as well as engaging expert vendors, in managing cyber risks, responding to incidents and regulatory compliance. He is also an industry expert regarding complex coverage issues across all forms of financial lines insurance. Jason has acted as coverage counsel for insurers in class actions and large insolvency litigation, defended financial, legal and building professionals in litigated claims in all levels of Australian courts, and represented parties in Royal Commissions and ASIC investigations. Jason has worked with many of Australia’s largest insurers and Lloyd’s syndicates. He has also worked with numerous organisations providing pro bono legal assistance over his entire career.

Jason presents regularly on insurance law issues, cyber risk, class actions and Royal Commissions. Jason has served on the APIG National Committee since 2017, and he is an advocate for young lawyers choosing a legal career in insurance.

Watch this on-demand webinar